Free Shipping on Orders Over $199!Hand-made Italian CeramicsGenerations of Italian Artisans' Experience

antique Italian pottery

Determining the Value of Handmade Italian Ceramics

By Jessica Graybill From time to time we're asked if we can help determine the value of someone's inherited or found Italian pottery. Because we've been in the business a long time, we have an extensive knowledge of Italian ceramics and we're familiar with today's major studios, of which there are hundreds. However, it is [...]

Pottery – A Beautiful Union of Science and Art

Written by Jessica Graybill Many people have become so accustomed to functional ceramics that we encounter in our daily lives, often made on an assembly line with minimal decoration (or mass produced with decals) that it's easy to forget that pottery is a true art form - one that has been perfected over centuries by [...]

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